


<%= vt_table do |table| %>
  <% table.with_header.with_content("#") %>
  <% table.with_header.with_content("Name") %>
  <% table.with_header.with_content("Email") %>

  <% users.each do |user| %>
    <% table.with_row do |row| %>
      <% row.with_division.with_content( %>
      <% row.with_division.with_content( %>
      <% row.with_division.with_content( %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>


= vt_table do |table|
  - table.with_header.with_content("id")
  - table.with_header.with_content("name")
  - table.with_header.with_content("email")

  - users.each do |user|
    - table.with_row do |row|
      - row.with_division.with_content(
      - row.with_division.with_content(
      - row.with_division.with_content(

You can add a link to a row by passing the link_to option to the with_row method. This will create a link inside each <td> element of the row.

<%= vt_table do |table| %>
  <% table.with_header.with_content("#") %>
  <% table.with_header.with_content("Name") %>
  <% table.with_header.with_content("Email") %>

  <% users.each do |user| %>
    <% table.with_row(link_to: "/users/#{}") do |row| %>
      <% row.with_division.with_content( %>
      <% row.with_division.with_content( %>
      <% row.with_division.with_content( %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Custom attributes

For now it’s not possible to add custom attributes to the <table> element but you can add custom attributes to the th, tr and the td elements.

Bonus: You can pass a td: {} parameter to #with_row method to add attributes to all the divisions td without having to pass them to each.

tr: Class

It’s not possible to add custom classes to the tr element.

tr:Data attributes

You can add custom data attributes to the tr element by passing the data option to the with_row method.

<% table.with_row(data: { id: }) do |row| %>

tr: Id

You can add an id to the tr element by passing the id option to the with_row method.

<% table.with_row(id: "user-#{}") do |row| %>

td: Class

You can add custom classes to the td element by passing the class option to the with_division method.

<% row.with_division(class: "text-right").with_content( %>

td: Data attributes

You can add custom data attributes to the td element by passing the data option to the with_division method.

<% row.with_division(data: { id: }).with_content( %>

td: Id

You can add an id to the td element by passing the id option to the with_division method.

<% row.with_division(id: "user-id-#{}").with_content( %>